Domestic Violence Research Worldwide

For those of you interested in research on domestic violence in countries outside of the United States, you might want to read the literature review by Esquivel-Santovena, Lambert and Hamel (2012).  The full reference is: Esquivel-Santovena, E., Lambert, T., & Hamel, J. (2013). Partner abuse worldwide. Partner Abuse, 4(1), 6-75.  This article is part of the Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project (PASK), and  is available for free to anyone who is interested.   Just go to  On the left side, under PASK, click on “17 Full PASK Manuscripts and Tables of Summarized Studies.”  This will take you to all of the PASK literature reviews, including the one by Esquivel-Santovena et al.  A list of international researchers and thier contact information can be found on the left side of the home page by clicking on “INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH.”

Two articles on the effectiveness of intervention programs in Europe can be found on the ADVIP website, in the “articles” page under “research.”